In the dynamic realm of India’s automotive industry, the electric vehicle (EV) revolution is making profound strides, leaving an indelible mark on various sectors. At the forefront of this transformative wave is iTriangle, a pioneering force in telematics technology. Their revolutionary products, the TS 101 Plus 4G EV – Vidyut and TS 101 Basic EV CAN, stand as pillars in the metamorphosis of EV rentals, addressing challenges and heralding innovation.

iTtriangle’s advanced telematics solutions empower EV rentals with unprecedented efficiency and control. The TS 101 Plus 4G EV – Vidyut integrates cutting-edge technology to enhance EV performance and user experience. Meanwhile, the TS 101 Basic EV CAN offers a robust foundation for essential EV functionalities.

A spotlight on iTriangle’s collaboration with SWYTCHD, a prominent EV subscription service, reveals a synergistic effort to redefine electric mobility experiences. This strategic partnership amplifies the accessibility and appeal of EVs, fostering a sustainable and tech-driven future.

As India navigates the dynamic landscape of EV adoption, iTriangle’s commitment to innovation and collaboration underscores its pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of electric mobility, propelling the nation toward a greener and more connected automotive future.


As electric vehicles (EVs) gained popularity, the rental market encountered distinct challenges. The effective management and optimization of EV fleets, ensuring proper maintenance, and alleviating user range anxiety emerged as formidable hurdles. Traditional telematics solutions, primarily tailored for conventional vehicles, proved insufficient in meeting the unique demands of EV rentals. The dynamic nature of electric vehicles, considering factors like charging infrastructure and range limitations, mandated a bespoke approach.

This scenario created a noticeable gap in the market, prompting the search for innovative solutions. Addressing these challenges became pivotal for rental services aiming to seamlessly integrate electric mobility. The demand for specialized telematics solutions specifically crafted for EV rentals became evident, emphasizing the crucial role of technology in overcoming the distinctive hurdles at the intersection of EVs and the rental market. This evolution underscores the industry’s commitment to adapting and advancing to ensure the successful fusion of electric vehicles into mainstream rental offerings.


Stepping into the evolving landscape of electric vehicle (EV) rentals, iTriangle introduced a suite of specialized telematics solutions to tackle the unique challenges faced by EV rental companies. At the forefront of this transformative offering are the TS 101 Plus 4G EV – Vidyut and TS 101 Basic EV CAN, heralding a new era in efficient fleet management and user experience.

The TS 101 Plus 4G EV – Vidyut stands out as an advanced telematics device equipped with cutting-edge features. Real-time tracking, battery health monitoring, and an intelligent charging management system define its capabilities. Notably, a dedicated fuel sensor designed for EVs ensures precise monitoring of energy consumption, providing comprehensive insights into the performance and health of electric vehicles.

For simpler EV fleets, the TS 101 Basic EV CAN presents an optimal solution. Tailored to seamlessly integrate with the Controller Area Network (CAN) of electric vehicles, it offers essential telematics functionalities. This includes crucial data on battery status, charging patterns, and overall vehicle health, empowering rental companies with valuable information for streamlined operations and maintenance. The iTriangle suite emerges as a pivotal player in bridging the gap in the market, offering tailored solutions that propel the seamless integration of electric mobility into the rental industry.


SWYTCHD, a rising star in India’s EV subscription market, acknowledged the significance of iTriangle’s telematics expertise. This recognition led to a strategic collaboration, illustrating the pivotal role of iTriangle’s advanced telematics solutions in enhancing the efficiency and capabilities of SWYTCHD’s electric vehicle subscription services. By incorporating iTriangle’s solutions into their fleet management strategy, SWYTCHD witnessed several key benefits:

1. Enhanced Fleet Efficiency: Real-time tracking and monitoring allowed SWYTCHD to optimize routes, ensuring timely and efficient service to their subscribers.

2. Proactive Maintenance: With detailed insights into the health of each EV, SWYTCHD could schedule preventive maintenance, minimizing downtime and extending the lifespan of their fleet.

3. Range Assurance for Users: The intelligent charging management system in TS 101 Plus 4G EV – Vidyut helped alleviate range anxiety among SWYTCHD’s users. Accurate predictions of available range based on battery status ensured a stress-free EV rental experience.

4. Cost Optimization: By leveraging iTriangle’s telematics solutions, SWYTCHD achieved better cost-effectiveness in managing their EV fleet. Efficient route planning and maintenance scheduling translated into reduced operational expenses.

WHY iTriangle?

iTriangle pioneers telematics innovation, transforming India’s EV rental landscape and advancing sustainable transportation. Collaborating with SWYTCHD showcases the efficacy of tailored telematics in overcoming EV challenges, envisioning accessible, reliable, and eco-friendly rentals. Explore iTriangle’s precision-tracking devices, catering to diverse sectors like public transport, logistics, and fleet management. With over 14 years of expertise and 800,000 deployed devices, iTriangle is the trusted ally for businesses, offering innovation and reliability where it matters. Elevate your tracking solutions with iTriangle – where precision meets excellence.


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