Dental & Eye Checkup Camp

In 2024, iTriangle organized a comprehensive Dental & Eye Checkup Camp for its employees...

Deepavali ‘2024

iTriangle Celebrates Deepavali '2024 Deepavali 2024 at iTriangle was a memorable celebration...

iTriangle Workshop: ‘The Men Who Matter’

On October 28th, iTriangle hosted The ‘Men Who Matter’ workshop, a gathering that united...

iTriangle Leaders Meet 2024

The iTriangle Leaders Meet, a half-year business review meeting, was convened to evaluate the...

Townhall Discussion @iTriangle

iTriangle celebrated the 78th Independence Day with an evening filled with laughter, camaraderie...

Inter-Departmental Coordination Session by Mr. Raveendraraj

Mr. Raveendraraj recently led an impactful session on Inter-Departmental Coordination and team...

International Yoga Day Celebration

In celebration of World Yoga Day, we at iTriangle wholeheartedly embrace the practice of yoga...

iTriangle Celebrates World Environment Day

In honor of World Environment Day, iTriangle celebrated by engaging employees in plant watering...

International Women’s Day – 2024

Reflecting on an inspiring Women’s Day celebration at iTriangle! We were honored to celebrate...


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